

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I eat right, do I still have to work out?


I eat right, do I still have to work out?
Even though eating right makes up for about 80 percent of how we look and feel, we can't forget about training. Combining proper nutrition with the right kind of exercise is the best thing you can do to stay strong, lean and healthy!
Working out is critical for many reasons. The most important being your health. The benefits of regular exercise on your health are numerous. They include cardiovascular benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure, keeping your heart ( which is a muscle) stronger, and increasing your lung capacity. Exercise also benefits your body by improving your posture, building or retaining lean muscle mass and prolonging your life. We also know that exercise prevents all major diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Wow!
Regular exercise has emotional benefits as well. Since exercise produces the "feel good" hormone endorphin in your body, regular exercise has the effect of making your feel happier,more well balanced and better able to handle stress.

What is the best way to work out?
Study after study shows that the best way to exercise is by doing weight training combined with cardio! You want to workout SMARTER, NOT HARDER! By combining the two, you will increase your fat burning for up to 24 hours after training. This is called metabolic training and I love it. Research states that the best way to increase your metabolism is by adding lean mass. Lean mass is muscle. By adding muscle you will burn more calories even at rest! This happens because muscle requires energy to sustain itself. Fat does not. So, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, all day long. Also, by combining resistance training with cardio "bursts" in between sets, you go into an aerobic state and stimulate fat burning long after your workout is over. This is called EPOC or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Simply put, while your body is recovering from your training, oxygen consumption increases and so does your metabolism. If you are doing just cardio to stay lean, you are missing the most important component of fitness, namely weight training. Women especially are afraid of weight training because they fear "bulking up" or "getting big". It is very difficult for the female body to build large muscle due to the lack of the hormone testosterone! We simply do not have the hormonal profile to build big muscles. Women benefit immensely from weight training! Adding lean mass is not the only benefit. Increased bone density also comes along with weight bearing exercise. As women often suffer from bone loss and even osteoporosis with the onset of middle age, weight training becomes even more important! Combine it with cardio bursts, and you have the BEST WAY TO WORK OUT! Skip the long, boring cardio sessions and add weight training with cardio burst and in just a few weeks you will see the incredibl e results!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Key to Fat Loss. Your secret Weapon


So you watch what you eat and go the gym regularly but still have trouble losing stubborn fat and increasing your energy levels? One of the things that could be hindering your progress towards your goal of better health may be because of what is happening inside of you as opposed to outside. Our stress levels and the way our hormones function are very important factors that are often left unaddressed when it comes to fat loss.

Hormones are really what makes up what we are as individuals. Hormone reports and brain chemistry patterns are very revealing but as we don't always have access to these reports, you can have an understanding of how your hormones are working simply by how you feel - your energy levels, your sex drive, your moods, your strength, your mental clarity, your appetite, your hunger cravings, etc. All of these come down to whether or not your hormones are working optimally.

When our energy levels are down, many of us turn to caffeine or sugar which causes an artificial (and temporary) surge of energy which can compromise our adrenals. But where does it stop? I'm horrified when I hear about clients drinking up to 5 plus coffees per day "just to stay awake or alert". And what about the extra (EXTRA) sugar in our foods? And don't get me started on energy drinks.

Massive amounts of sugar and caffeine cause our hormones to run awry. It clouds our neurological functions, makes us hold water, saps our energy, robs us of important vitamins and minerals, and can severely hinder our fat loss efforts.

Hormonal balance is so important when it comes to fat loss. If our adrenals aren't strong then our sex hormones will be imbalanced and it will be very difficult to lose fat because our body is always in "Fight or Flight (i.e. a lion chasing us)". Our bodies are living in the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which is "fight or flight". It always feels as if it is under stress or under attack. We should be living in the Parasympathetic Nervous System ("rest/digest" and "feed/breed") as much as possible where our bodies can react in a normal environment and react properly to what we feed it and how we treat it.

How we perceive and manage our stress response (mental/emotional) all relates to hormonal balance. Achieving internal balance will have profound effects on the way our body not only performs but also looks.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Coach Jenn's Kale Chips ENJOY


Kale Chips
Makes: 4 servings, about 2 cups each
Active time: 25 minutes | Total: 25 minutes
To make ahead: Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Not a fan of kale? These crispy baked kale chips will convert you! For the best result, don't overcrowd the pans.

1 large bunch kale, tough stems removed, leaves torn into pieces (about 16 cups; see Note)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Position racks in upper third and center of oven; preheat to 400°F.

2. If kale is wet, very thoroughly pat dry with a clean kitchen towel; transfer to a large bowl. Drizzle the kale with oil and sprinkle with salt. Using your hands, massage the oil and salt onto the kale leaves to evenly coat. Fill 2 large rimmed baking sheets with a layer of kale, making sure the leaves don't overlap. (If the kale won't all fit, make the chips in batches.)

3. Bake until most leaves are crisp, switching the pans back to front and top to bottom halfway through, 8 to 12 minutes total. (If baking a batch on just one sheet, start checking after 8 minutes to prevent burning.)

Per serving: 110 calories; 5 g fat (1 g sat, 3 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 16 g carbohydrate; 0 g added sugars; 5 g protein; 6 g fiber; 210 mg sodium; 642 mg potassium. Nutrition bonus: Vitamin A (767% daily value), Vitamin C (192% dv), Calcium (20% dv), Potassium (18% dv).

Note: Choose organic kale when possible. Nonorganic can have high pesticide residue.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fear the silient killer of Dreams


Fear is a four letter word that keeps so many from stepping out and doing what they love. Can you imagine what your life would look like without fear? Well, fear plagues everyone regardless of who you are or where you live. However, the key is to figure out how to drive out fear and increase belief so you are not stopped in your tracks.

Fear is a silent killer. It awaits you and uses all it powers to defeat you. Not to worry though, fear plagues everyone. With every level you go to in life, you will have to face fear in some fashion. Whether, you are doing a task for the first time or you have to do a task you are quite familiar with in front of people you’ve never met, an anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach often shows up.

Think about it for a moment…

The greatest man to ever live on this Earth had to face it himself. He was sent to save a world that was quickly perishing because of immorality. His father gave him all the specifics and told him, “You got this. I will be with you.” Want to know his name? Jesus.

When it came time for Jesus to do His job, He became stressed. Although, He had prepared his entire life for this moment in time, He was met with fear & uneasiness and totally unsure if He could go through with the plan. In fact, He asked his father several times to let it go. But, things had been set and it was time to fulfill purpose. Fear had a purpose in Jesus’ life. In the end, He did go through with the plan to save lives for now and years to come.

When you are faced with anxiety and uneasiness, here is a simple plan to drive out fear and increase belief in your life:

First, understand where there is a lack of belief.

How can you deal with something without knowing exactly what it is you are facing? Be truthful. If you are not totally confident, you need to increase belief in that area. By identifying the issue, it makes it easier to address the concern. And, you are also making a declaration that you are not perfect.

Finally, take a step in the direction of fear.

Overcome fear by doing the exact opposite of it. If you are afraid to speak in front of a small group of people, schedule to speak in front of a small group of people. Crazy? Yes, I know. It’s amazing how things change when you face your fear head on.

The purpose of fear is not to stop you from achieving your goals. It is there to help you deal with areas in your life where you lack belief in order to grow you more as a person.

Can you think of one area in your life where you would like to drive out fear and increase belief? Respond and let me know.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Coconut Pumpkin Pancakes


Ingredients to Pancakes

•2 whole eggs
•2 egg whites
•2 tbsp coconut flour (or another 1/3 c oats)
•1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (or unsweetened almond milk)
•1/2 cup pumpkin puree
•2 scoops of vanilla whey protein
•2 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
•2 tsp. baking powder
•1 tbsp. vanilla extract
•1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon)
•4-5 stevia packets

Ingredients to Frosting

•1/2 cup non fat plain greek yogurt
•2 tbsp sugar free fat free cheesecake pudding mix (or vanilla)
•2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk


•Beat eggs for about a minute and then stir in coconut milk and vanilla extract.
•Stir in pumpkin puree.
•In a second bowl combine oats, coconut flour,protein powder, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and stevia.
•Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix until well incorporated.
•Preheat a griddle to medium-high heat and spray with non-stick spray.
•Use a 1/4 measuring cup and pour batter in pan for each pancake.
•Cook for about 2-3 minutes or until browned before flipping.

Optional – sprinkle with chopped almonds (or walnuts would be good too!)

Serving Size: 2 very generous size servings!

Nutritional Stats including frosting: 426 calories| 8.5g saturated fat| 31.3g carbs| 8.8g fiber| 7.3g sugar| 45.2g protein

Thursday, April 4, 2013



Perseverance is a trait for people with success in mind. Perseverance is simply the ability to keep trying no matter how many failures you might have. By learning this trait you will eventually be able to be successful at anything you try. Especially if you mix in the right attitude and a good healthy amount of self-confidence you will have the right formula for success. Even if you fail 100 times with enough perseverance you will continue to keep trying.

Some benefits of perseverance are:
•You will build more self-confidence
•You won’t give up easy
•It will eventually lead to more successes
•You will get more things done
•You will learn more
•You will develop more self-confidence
•You will have more experiences
•Failures will become less painful

When you persevere you are going to keep trying at all costs. Knowing sometimes that things won’t always work out the way you plan and that you will have failures. You will also learn that failures equal a great learning experience for you to make improvements. Once you entwine this into your personality you will find it easier and easier to not give up on anything you try.

When you succeed at things you will start to build up a healthy level of self-confidence. Each triumph no matter how small is still an accomplishment and each one brings more belief in your talents and abilities. As your talents and abilities develop you will have an easier time reaching your goals.

When you keep trying and growing you will be led into more situations and in turn have more life experiences. That is why perseverance is such a very important trait to have. Can you imagine having the ability to fail and still grow stronger? Or what happens if you succeed? Either way its a win win with perseverance.

Tips to Learn to help you learn perseverance:
•Keep trying and never give up
•Develop a high level of self-confidence
•Purposely try something you have failed before. Then keep trying until you succeed
•Don’t let anyone change your mind or bring you down. Always remember you have the ability to succeed no matter how many tries it takes
•Stay positive
•Learn to develop the right attitude
•Set long term and short term goals
•Be in an optimistic mindset
•Start out small and work your way up

Start out small if you have to and go from there. Take on a small task that you might have failed at before and keep trying until eventually you succeed. After you take on a small task work your way up from there into much more challenging tasks. Each thing that you do will build up your self-confidence and lead you to even more successes.

Always keep trying not matter what. When you fail you are just learning. Its all part of the process and it should be making you slowly improve until you reach a level needed for success. Don’t try to reach the moon starting out either. Even though it is possible to reach high goals you need to start out accomplishing the smaller ones. Don’t take this as failure just keep working on the larger ones on the side. Keep trying at all costs and remember sometimes it takes time to reach the big goals but ultimately it is up to you. The sky is the limit.

Staying positive is an important trait for almost any personal development you will do. Having a positive outlook on things keeps you in the optimistic mindset. When you have the right mindset going it will be easier for you to stay on track. Being thankful for the things you have right now is a great starter to getting into a positive mindset. Try thinking about the little things you have like a pair of socks. Sounds way to simple but you would be surprised how many people don’t even have that and live very positive lives. Once you realize how much you have then keep moving on for there. Be appreciative of even the smallest things people do for you. Work your way into a very optimistic outlook about everything.

Have you ever sat around to think what might have happen if you kept trying? Everyone has these moments and they are important to understanding that by perseverance you will be able to succeed at things you might normally have given up on. Don’t beat yourself up over the past live in the now. Make your next task one you aren’t going to give up on. Keep trying and trying. Failures will happen. Some of them might have happened to you at an early age in life and discouraged you from trying anymore but truthfully every single failure you have had doesn’t affect anything you will do right now or in the future. I’m 100% serious about this too. So what if you never learned to whistle and gave up. I’ll bet you that you can learn that right now even if you tried 1000 times before, it happens everyday. No matter what it is keep trying and eventually it will just click.

Once you fail at something you don’t need to keep trying it the exact same way that you have been. Try something different or change your approach. In order to make that success you need to do things just slightly different from the time you had failures. If you need to make changes start out with something small and if you still feel like you are way off just scrap your current strategy and start fresh. Sit down and make a list of the parts of your strategy that worked well and the ones that were a disaster. Keep the ones that worked out well for you and try to take the ones that didn’t and turn them into something that can work out for you next time. Take the time to research your task at hand and learn everything you can before trying again. Spend time making a plan and set some realistic goals. Before you might have just spent your time trying with no help. Ask for some help if you need it NOBODY is born an expert trust me.

If you have the opportunity to try something that you failed at in the past by all means try again if you get a chance. If you can challenge something from your past that you have failed at and give it another try and succeed you will boost your self-confidence levels tremendously. You will also have a better time developing your perseverance.

If you can manage to persevere you will eventually have success. I know everyone including you has the this ability in them. Don’t waste another moment. If you have something you want to get done do it now and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Carb Cycling The What, The Why, The How

Carb Cycling The What, The Why, The How
I’ve received thousands of questions over the time I have been a Personal Trainer and fitness coach and there’s one question that has surfaced recently that I felt the answer should be more understood:

What is Carb Cycling and will it help me lose weight?

I think this is a great question, as it’s a key factor of why my online clients are so successful in losing weight.
To put it simply: Carb cycling is a way to manipulate macronutrients (fat, protein, carbs) to help reduce body fat and avoid the cannibalization of your very hard earned muscles as much as possible.

In other words,It will absolutely help you lose weight!

Here’s why: Carb cycling essentially works by both burning fat and boosting your metabolism. The truth is, carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of fuel – and when you feed your body a consistent amount of carbs, it knows what to expect. By cycling carb intake – eating high carbs one day and low carbs the next – you essentially confuse your body by not feeding it a consistent, dependable food source. This constant depleting and replenishing of your carbohydrate stores ensures this effective loss of body fat.

Carb cycling is a delicate thing that requires discipline and a detailed plan… it involves measuring, weighing, timing and following-through for weeks at a time in order for it to work successfully.

In general, when I write plans for clients during die-hard carb cycling, I stick to about 15-20% carbohydrates from calories on low-carb days and around 45-55% carbohydrates from calories on high-carb days.

I add in a carb-stagger program within the carb cycling to prohibit the body from becoming accustomed to this cycle process.
On days with less carbs, we replace the calories with higher protein and healthy-fat options. This ensures that your muscles stay well fed and your energy levels aren’t zombified.

If carb cycling is something you’re interested in, make sure you go at it with a plan – you must stay focused, stay disciplined and it is of course preferable that you have a solid support system around you.

Have you tried carb cycling? Comment below and let me know your experience with it!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Don't worry be Happy

Don't worry be happy~

There is nothing wrong with having goals and wanting that perfect body. Unless you let it consume you. It is so easy to be unhappy with your current fitness level and get depressed about the way you look. BUT...this will only make things worse.

As a fitness professional I am not different. I got through highs and lows. Some times I am in great shape. Other times I suffer from set backs just like everyone else.

BUT.....after every single workout I feel better about myself, have more energy and my over all mood is uplifted. Try to remember why it was that you wanted to get in shape. At the end of the day I bet it has something to do with being HAPPY.

If you make it a total sum game, or an "all or nothing" type game you will lose. You will lose your drive, motivation and excitement for living a fit life. Most importantly you will never be HAPPY.

Have goals and work towards them, nothing wrong with that. BUT enjoy the journey, enjoy each workout, enjoy the improvement that you see, enjoy the set backs, enjoy the people around you, enjoy each day, enjoy each meal and most importantly enjoy life. If you are always unhappy with yourself and the way you look not matter what then whats the point?

So keep at it but don't let the entire experience be one in vain. Enjoy the journey and never forget to just be HAPPY!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring, A 2nd chance for A New your :)


Spring - A Second Chance For A New You!
"3, 2, 1...Happy New Year!" Remember hearing this not that long ago? It signals the end of one year and a new bright beginning for another. And of course with New Years comes...say it with me...New Year's RESOLUTIONS!
So let me ask you this. Were you one of the millions of people that decided that very next day, January 1st, you were going to change your life? Were you motivated and excited and knew that this year would be the year for you to lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking, eat better, etc.? You just knew nothing was going to stop you. You were going to be on fire, and crazy focused on your goal having nothing else in your sights but the sweet vision of victory...this time you were going to do it!
Now fast forward. How's that working out for you? If you're like most people your motivation starts to fade as life "gets in the way". Don't are not alone. While 52% of all of the participants in a resolution study believed that they would accomplish their goals, only 12% actually achieved them.
Now don't fret. Although New Year's may be long gone, we now have another chance. It's a little thing I like to call Spring, and in my opinion, it's the perfect time to make real changes. There's a noticeable change in the weather, the trees are coming back to life, the birds are singing, and the flowers start to bloom; why not jump right on that bandwagon of change and ride it all the way home?
To kick off this new adventure I have declared a holiday; a Spring "New Year's Eve" if you will. I call it "I-Blew-It-With-New-Years-But-Now-It's-Spring" day! It's a day of celebration and mapping out changes for our lives. This is your time! This time you are going to make the changes you so desire. This time you will succeed!
First: Decide on one goal at a time. If you want to eat better, exercise, quit smoking, spend more time with the family, get a raise, take more vacations...well, how can you even figure out where to start? Pick one.
Second: Set realistic goals. The goals need to be small and be able to really be worked into your life. If you don't have time to work out two hours a day but can manage thirty minutes on your lunch hour, that's what you aim for!
Third: Make a plan. Now that you have one single goal in mind, make a plan to accomplish it. Write it down, make it realistic, and set short term goals. One of my favorite authors, Brian Tracy, says to "focus on one goal and do something each and every day that works toward that goal".
Fourth: Expect setbacks. Life is full of sucker punches and curve balls; you have to expect these and know that if (and when) you get thrown off track you can just as easily jump right back on. Do not wait until a new week or month to "start again", start immediately. If you splurged on a big (unhealthy) lunch, don't get over-emotional about it, just hop back on board with a healthy dinner that evening.
Now that you have the tools, I want you to go forth and conquer! You can do this, I promise you. You are stronger than you think and can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Just take it slow, focus on one goal at a time and do something every day that gets you closer to that goal. New Year's is over but I-Blew-It -With-New-Years-But -Now-It's-Spring Day is here and it's your new start to ROCK IT!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Coconut Banana Bread


GLuten Free, Kid friendly and easy
Serves 8

What you need

•2-3 Ripe Bananas (Smashed)
•1/3 Cup Butter or Coconut Oil (melted)
•2 Tbsp Honey
•1/2 Cup Coconut Flour
•1 Tsp Baking Powder
•1 Tsp Baking Soda
•1/2 Tsp Salt
•1 Tbsp Cinnamon
•1/3 Cups Nuts (Optional)

Step 1 Combine Bananas and Melted Butter. Mix well.

Step 2 Add eggs, honey and vanilla and whisk until eggs are combined

Step 3 In separate bowl combine dry ingredients. Add to wet ingredients. fold in nuts if using.

Step 4 Transfer into a greased loaf pan and bake @ 350 for 45 minutes.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Toxin's the truth and why you should do a whole body Detox.

I hear the word toxins being thrown around quite a lot today. I want to dedicate an entire post to explaining in depth what exactly toxins are and how they are detrimental to your health. Throughout our life time we all accumulate a toxic burden to a certain degree depending on lifestyle and dietary habits. I want you to fully understand why it is so beneficial to do a whole body cleanse, give your body the chance to eliminate toxicity and experience enhanced wellness.

What are toxins?
“A toxin is a chemical or poison that is known to have harmful effects on the body. Toxins can come from food or water, from chemicals used to grow or prepare food, and even from the air that we breathe. Our bodies process those tox¬ins through organs like the liver and kidneys and elimnate them in the form of sweat, urine, and feces.

So there are 4 different sources of external toxins: food, chemicals, air, and water. There are also behavioral toxins. Lets break these down so you can understand examples of each source and get a better sense of just how toxic you may be…

Food: Toxiity in our food supply comes from packaged food, food additives, heavy metals, food dyes, chemical flavorings (MSG and aspartame), GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods, and highly processed foods. Additionally, a high intake of white flour and sugar creates a breeding ground for bad bacteria, throws off balance in the body and creates a highly acidic environment this can all be summed up in one term: a toxic environment. Excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine is also toxic to the body as the liver and other eliminative organs must work overtime to process these substances if your organs are not working optimally (most people’s are not) the to¬ins will build up over time.

Chemicals: Chemicals that are considered toxic are typically found in small amounts, but are lurking where you least expect them to be. Pesticide residue is unfortunately found on just about all of the conventional produce that is freshly picked and unwashed, sold in grocery stores around the country. Mercury is incredibly common in the fish supply. Chemicals like Bisphenol A is found in soft plastics. Also, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicine and even recreational drugs all contain chemical toxins that accumulate in the body over time.

Air: Pollution in the air that we breathe comes from hazardous substances in the atmosphere from a num¬ber of sources such as car emissions, tobacco smoke (second hand smoke counts too), acid rain, mold, power plants, manufacturing buildings, paint fumes, aerosol sprays, and wild fires. The average adult consumes 3,000 gallons of polluted air per day!

Water: Pollution in our water sources comes from chemical, biological and physical matter that is introduced into large bodies of water that affect those that consume the water and those that live in it. Sources of water pollution include waste treatment facilities, oil spills, household chemicals, animal waste, human sewage, mining, factories, refineries, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year and 1.2 trillion gallons of sewage, storm water and industrial waste are discharged into U.S. waters every year.

Behavioral: Excessive stress leads to major toxic build up internally. Negative emotions like worry, anxiety and fear contribute, as well.

What are some symptoms that You may be toxic?
• Headaches
• Fatigue
• Irritable Bowel Syn¬drome (IBS)
• Abdominal bloating
• Gas
• Heartburn, indigestion and reflux
• Bad breath and/or coated tongue
• Acne and/or skin rashes
• Frequent sinus infections

Why should I do a whole body cleanse to eliminate excess toxic buildup?
Taking the time to actively remove toxins from your body is important to preserve your health in both the short term and the long term. Our bodies are incredibly smart and efficient, however, because we are exposed to such a high number of toxins each and every day, it is extremely difficult for our internal systems to keep up with healthy elimination. When you go on a safe cleansing diet you are giving your body the chance to reset by ridding excess toxicity and reducing your risk of negative effects caused by this excess toxicity.

Doesn’t my body detoxify naturally?
Yes, your amazing body has a built in detoxification system made up of your eliminative organs: liver, skin, kidneys, lungs, and colon; your digestive, lymphatic and circulatory systems all play a key role in detoxifica¬tion as well. As I mentioned above, unfortunately these systems get bogged down by excessive toxic exposure and are unable to perform at their optimal levels. When this happens you start to experience negative symptoms which lead to sickness and disease this is what I want to encourage you to prevent by taking a few days to detoxify your body (the healthy and safe way.

How can I encourage natural detoxification?
In order to help your body operate properly you can take certain steps on a daily basis that benefit your natural detoxification process. These include:

• Exercise (toxins come out through your sweat)
• Adequate water intake (toxins are removed through your urine)
• Dry skin brushing and massage (activates lymph system and loosens toxins stored in your cells)

Bottom Line:
Toxicity is every where. We can’t avoid it. Even if and when you eat the cleanest diet possible of whole, organic foods you still come into contact with toxins from the food you eat to some degree, air, water, and chemicals. I want you to enjoy and experience health every single day. That means taking action to cleanse away unwanted internal toxins that are bogging you down; once you unload your toxic burden, you will feel lighter, more energetic, and healthier from the inside out.

If you would like more information on the ultimate Reset, a program I did last April and Lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks of toxic waste, message me or click the link and Join my next Ultimate reset challenge
wishing you the best of Health
Coach Jenn

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Six Simple Steps to Start Eating Clean


Everyone and their grannies seem to be talking about Clean Eating, Eating Clean, Clean Foods, a Clean Diet, etc.

What is all this about? I can wash my veggies, is that clean enough? I shower before I cook dinner, does that count?

When I refer to Clean Eating or Eating Clean or following a Clean diet, I am referring specifically to Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet. Tosca created this “diet” (it’s not really a diet, it’s more like a way of life) as she was once overweight and unhappy, as a way to change her eating habits to get in shape and be the healthiest she can be.

Eating Clean has to many benefits. I mean, for one, it is NOT a diet, so you aren’t counting calories or restricting your body from anything, but instead you are fueling it with healthy nutrients it needs!

Once you begin Eating Clean you may notice:

◦Your clothes fit you better or you lose weight
◦Your skin clears up
◦Your digestive system begins to work correctly
◦You are sick less frequently
◦You have a ton more energy

Honestly, there’s so many benefits, these are just a few. But what I REALLY want to talk about are the FIRST FIVE baby steps you can take to begin Eating Clean!

1. Read Labels. Honestly, most clean foods are found on the outskirts of the grocery stores – your meats and produce. But for the items you will need to purchase in the aisles like oils, oats, etc, you need to know what you are buying. So a quick rule of thumb – if you don’t know how to pronounce a word on the label, chances are it is man-made and thus not clean!

2. Prepare. If you are like me you don’t enjoy eating salads day in and day out. When you go out for lunch or dinner chances are you are getting who knows what in your foods. So I prepare and cook all 6 meals I eat each day. Sure, it is time consuming at first, but that is how I stay lean. Once you get the hang of it, you will know what foods you will need for the week and you will be able to prepare them in no time. But you have to plan ahead by getting everything you need at the store each week.

3. Pack a cooler. Yep – bring your own clean foods!! Clean food items that I find easy to put into tupperware are: batch-cooked chicken, frozen veggies, oatmeal with peanut butter and flax, pre-made smoothies, batch-cooked sweet potato, fruit, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, turkey burgers, protein pancakes, etc.

4. Batch cook. It’s a life saver! Every Sunday I batch cook enough chicken for the week. I cut off the fat, bake it with seasoning, and measure 3.5 ounces of it and put that much into a container with some mustard and frozen veggies, so I can grab one a day to bring to work. I also batch cook sweet potato chips too. Then I take the time to divvy up 1/4 cup of oats, 1 T natural peanut butter, 1 T ground flax, a pinch of protein powder and cinnamon to sweeten, so that way when I’m a zombie in the morning, all I need to do is add water and microwave.

5. Pair a carbohydrate with a lean protein. A protein is pretty self-explanatory – a food that’s calories primarily come from protein (fish, meat, dairy.) A carbohydrate may be a starchy carb (wheat, grains, legumes, beans, potatoes), a fruit or a vegetable. If you pair a protein with a carb you are less likely to have a spike in your insulin levels and the protein based food will also keep you full longer because your body takes longer to digest it.

6. Eat 5 – 6 times a day. Eating Clean is meant to keep your metabolism roaring all day long. If you go longer than 3 hours, most likely you have digested all of your food and your metabolism has slowed down. Now do you get why you need to have a lean protein at each meal? Tosca talks in great detail about serving sizes in her books, but generally your meals are much smaller now. So you should not feel stuffed at the end of a meal, so trust me, you will want to eat again in a few hours!

I hope this helps make this lifestyle change to Clean Eating far less intimidating. Honestly, Eating Clean changed my life and I hope it changes yours! If you need help with this or putting together a meal plan, please email me!
Gettin fit with JEnn

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Cardio Myth

There are certain fitness myths that just won't die.

These ideas are passed from one unsuspecting person to the next, a little tidbit of misinformation that does more harm than good.

I've heard them all.
There's the myth about ab crunches melting off belly fat. (Sorry folks, spot reduction doesn't exist. You've got to burn the fat from your body as a whole.)

Then there's the one that says the faster you do an exercise the better, even at the expense of form. (Ouch. This philosophy has caused many an injury. Never sacrifice form for speed.)

I've even heard one that says recovery days are not necessary. (Rest days are actually of vital importance to your recovery and weight loss.)

But of all the fitness myths out there, the one that gets under my skin the most is the belief that fat loss comes as a result of long, drawn out steady state cardio sessions (running for an hour on the deadmill).

I've seen many people waste their time and effort on this one.
The truth is that intense, shorter workouts that incorporate resistance training with challenging bouts of cardio will burn fat quicker than a long, steady cardio session.

Who doesn't love to save time?
If you are still plodding away on the treadmill 60 minutes at a time then you are spending more time to get half of results.

Allow me to introduce you to a little technique called HIIT.
High-Intensity Interval Training is an exercise strategy that improves performance with short training sessions. These sessions involve a warm up period, several short, maximum-intensity efforts that are separated by moderate recovery intervals, and a cool down period.

The addition of explosions of speed into your comfortable pace will increase your power, muscle tone, speed, strength, endurance and best of all it allows you to burn more calories.

There you have it-all you need to know to take your workouts to the next level.

Do you have questions about using HIIT to get better results? I would love to hear from you. Call or email today and I will schedule a time to meet with you one-on-one to strategize the quickest and most effective route to meeting your fitness goals.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Does Weight Lifting Make You Bulky?!

Does Weight Lifting Make You Bulky?!

There are so many women who slave away on the treadmill or elliptical, and never touch any weights for fear of ―getting bulky. These women don‘t realize that the answer to their fat loss prayers is just a few feet to their right, lying on the weight racks of the gym! Dumbbells and barbells should be embraced by any woman who wants to have a lean, small, toned physique. And when I say any woman, I mean it! Women of all ages and body types will benefit from performing some strength and resistance training. Even (and especially) women over 40.

I‘ve had clients say to me, ―Jennifer, I just don‘t want my legs to get bigger from doing squats or leg press. And I reply with the truth ―No, your legs will get bigger if you DON‘T work them out! Weight lifting and body weight exercises build and support muscle tissue, while burning fat. Fat, as mentioned earlier, takes up more space than muscle. So while you may build a little muscle through exercise, you‘ll actually be shrinking your body, including any trouble zones you‘re worried about while boosting your metabolic rate.

As for female bodybuilders who actually are very muscular and ―bulky, they attain that muscle with 4+ hours in the gym, every day, squatting heavier weights than most men are able to squat. They are also (usually) taking some type of hormonal supplement or steroid. It is impossible to look like a female bodybuilder without hours of very very very heavy lifting, tons of food, and plenty of steroids.If women could get bulky from an hour or two per day of exercise, imagine how simple it would be for men! Every guy would be walking around looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger after a few weeks. But it does not work like that.

Don‘t worry about getting bulky. Worry about getting the most intense workout you are able to stand, and getting yourself super sore the next day. That is the goal here.

Jennifer SLovinski
Independent DIamond Team Beachbody Coach
Get FIt with me

Thursday, January 31, 2013

5 HTP Supplement Facts and My new found Friend

5 HTP Supplement Facts and My new found Friend

What is 5 HTP?
5 HTP (Hydroxytrytophan) is a compound that is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. This acts as a precursor to serotonin (a neurotransmitter) and melotonin (a hormone). 5 HTP is created by the body during conversion of these compounds which are involved with several brain functions - behavior, stress mechanisms, appetite control and sleep cycles, to name a few. It is a naturally occurring compound in protein food sources, but to have a therapeutic effect, higher levels are needed. Therefore supplementation is an ideal option to obtain the benefits of 5 HTP. The source of over the counter 5 HTP is from the seeds of an African plant, Griffonia simplicifolia.

What Symptoms Can 5 HTP Relieve?
This supplement has been found to help reduce the symptoms of depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, Migraines. It has also been found to be helpful for people trying to lose weight due to its appetite suppression qualities.

What Are The Benefits of Taking 5 HTP?
This is becoming a very popular supplement worldwide due to the similar effects of prescription anti-depression drugs. According to natural healing principles, using any supplement can help stimulate the body's own ability to heal. This is a fundamentally different approach than the current medical ideology which places its emphasis on eliminating a patient's symptoms, not necessarily relieving the cause. 5 HTP deficiencies have been attributed to many cases of depression; so its use may indeed help those with mild to moderate depression.

Since serotonin is involved in relaxation and mood balance and melatonin is involved with sleep cycles and appetite control, the benefits of using Hydroxytrytophan are complex. People suffering from insomnia or any sleep disorder can benefit from this compound's ability to balance out the sleep cycle. It has been shown to reduce the time a person requires to fall asleep and can improve the quality of your sleep. This is especially significant for those suffering from insomnia, depression related sleep disorders and fibromyalgia.Any malady regarding mood can be helped with its use; therefore people with depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADS) or Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), however mild or severe, can benefit from its use. Daily stress reduction and mood enhancement is good a possibility with the general use of 5 HTP.

People who suffer from fibromyalgia can definitely benefit from the effects of 5 HTP, simply due to the above mentioned items - since all are contributing symptoms of this ailment. This supplement has been shown to enhance serotonin synthesis, thus increasing pain tolerance and ideally a decrease in the number of painful areas and morning stiffness.
5 HTP has been sold in the USA since 1994 and after more than a decade of use, there has been no known life threatening of other serious side effects attributed to the use of 5 HTP.

Who Should Not Take 5 HTP?
If you have a serious illness or are taking any medications for a serious illness, consult your physician before starting a supplement, to make sure there are no drug interactions. Also, any person taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors or MAOs (both popular prescription anti-depressants) should not take 5 HTP as there are known complications.
General Precautions With Any Supplementation

I do not suggest in any manner the reader should self diagnose in any serious case, or if your symptoms are recurring - please see your physician. This information is suggestive and offers a method of alternative therapy for several symptoms or maladies - migraines, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, weight loss, depression and PMS. If you have a serious illness or are taking any medications for a serious illness, consult your physician before starting a supplement, to make sure there are no drug interactions.

Product Sourcing
Any supplement user should be cautious of the source for 5 HTP, since low grade options are available, and have been cause for FDA regulations and recalls in the past. So check out your supplier's reputation through client testimonials or claims of service.

My Personal Experience
I have personally been taking 5-HTP for about a week not. In that week I have noticed some astonishing changes. The first thing I have noticed is my decrease in appetite. I am not as hungry as I normally am and I do not crave the carbs like normal. I am leaning out so I am on a strict diet and I am always hungry. well not here lately. I actually have to think to eat. The only time during the day that I am hungry is right after my LISS session first thing in the morning. The rest of the day not so much.

The second thing I have noticed is I am sleeping bett, not waking up as much, waking up more refreshed, and just not as crumpy through out the day.

The biggest thing I have noticed is things that normally get on my nerves are not that bad. I am less stressed and more relaxed and basically just happier. I have always suspected that my seratonin levels were off but with the help of 5-HTP I am feeling like my old happy go lucky self.

5-HTP may not be for everybody so please do some reasearch. I did a lot of research on the product before I decided to give it a try. I have only been using it for a week but so far so good.

Best wishes for health and Happiness
COach Jenn

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tabata learn do it LOve it

If you do not know what Tabata is, I’ll explain a little bit about it. Tabata was founded in Japan by Izumi Tabata. He conducted tests on two groups of athletes; comparing moderate high intensity training with high intensity interval training.

The results were that the athletes training in high intensity interval training improved their aerobic systems as well as their anaerobic system. The athletes who did the moderate high intensity training only improved their aerobic system and had little to no increase in their anaerobic system.

Basic Tools To have

First, make sure you have some sort of journal or list saying what exercises you used for your Tabata and how heavy the weight was that you used (if you’re doing exercises that require weights). It is recommended to have a journal so that you can see if you are getting stronger.

Second, make sure to have a timer with you. If you are exercising in doors and are near a computer, you can use this timer. If you are outside, you can download a Tabata app or a mp3 Tabata. Also be sure to have proper attire as well and have a water bottle and towel with you to refresh you between rounds.

Designing Your Tabata

Next, you want to begin to ask yourself what you want to achieve. Do you want to lose fat? Do you want to improve your endurance? Do you want to improve your muscle endurance? Do you want to gain size and strength at the same time improving your cardio? All these can help formulate what exercises to include. This is a sample of a simple Tabata session:
■Pushups for intervals 1 and 3
■Body weight Squats for intervals 2 and 4
■Medicine ball slams for intervals 5 and 7
■Sprinting or jumping rope for intervals 6 and 8

Using The Tabata

Now that you designed your own Tabata and know what exercises to use, you are ready to begin. Make sure everything is ready and that you have all the necessary tools. Make sure to warm up properly before and stretch or else you’ll pull a muscle during the session.

If you feel that you are getting tired and cannot go all out during 1 of the intervals, you can either rest for that session and go all out in the next; or you can go at a moderate intensity. However, if you find that you are doing this too often, redesign the exercises in your Tabata so that you can go through all the intervals at your max.

Finally, after you’re done the Tabata training, do a cool down (this can be a light jog around the track or light skipping and biking) and stretch. Make sure that your body gets proper rest and nutrition if you want to see the results you want.

Before You Use Tabata

Like many other exercises and forms of workouts; you must be committed and determined to put forth all your energy in the exercise. The Tabata Training Method is an advanced form of exercise and it requires you to be fit as well as mentally strong. The method is designed so that it lasts 4 minutes long, however within those 4 minutes you have to go through 8 intervals. Each lasting 20 seconds at a very high intensity.

Using The Tabata Training Method

Using Tabata is quite simple and straight forward. However you must be prepared for the session. The first thing you need to do is to pick the exercises you wish to include in your Tabata training. Then, you need the right equipment for the exercises. After, you have to decide which interval is for what exercise (if you have more than one exercise in your training). For example you could have one interval for one exercise and another interval for the other exercise. This is a sample Tabata training plan
■Barbell Squats (intervals 1,3)
■Pushups (intervals 2,5)
■Chin ups (intervals 4,6)
■Sprinting in place (intervals 7,8)
■Equipment needed: Barbell with weights, surface mat for pushups and a chin up bar

Tabata Training lasts 4 minutes and has 8 intervals in total lasting 20 seconds. Within those 20 seconds however, you are going all out. Make sure you use a weight where you can successfully go all out for all 8 intervals. Also make sure the exercises aren’t too hard and aren’t too easy. The exercises should hard enough so it makes you sweat and breath during a interval, however easy enough so you can last the whole Tabata session.

Using The Tabata Training Method Effectively

As mentioned above, you must be prepared and have chosen the correct exercises so you can see improvements in your fitness. However, what I didn’t mention was that you must have proper nutrition and rest if you want Tabata to work.

Due to Tabata being a high intensity interval training form of exercise, it is very taxing to the body. In other words you will definitely feel the soreness in your muscles the next day. Make sure you rest the following day so your body can recover.

Also make sure you eat before the Tabata workout and after. Another point is to warm up and stretch before the workout and have a cool down and stretch after the workout. The last thing you want is to pull a muscle during the Tabata Training cycle and having to stop the timer.


Friday, January 11, 2013


GETIN FIT WITH JENN: Commit to Be Fit: WWW.BEACHBODYCOACH.COM/BIONUT What if you committed to the next 30 days to do something for you? And in turn, yo... WWW.BEACHBODYCOACH.COM/BIONUT

Commit to Be Fit

What if you committed to the next 30 days to do something for you? And in turn, you are feeling better, you are losing weight, you now have more energy and have increased your confidence to name a few. Would you be willing to take charge and choose better health?

If you answered YES, then please read on! Over the last 3 years, I have worked with hundreds of folks, helping them drop the extra pounds while feeling better, having more energy and more all in a healthy, easy way. I have shared with them the tools that I used to drop 20 125 lbs and kept it off. Now I am looking for 10 people who want to Commit to be FIT. Yep, just 30 days to work towards better health. Our next group begins January 28, 2013. That’s all I’m asking you for. Just 30 days.

There will be:
• NO Expensive Gym Membership
• NO Embarrassing Classes
• NO Tasteless Diet Food
• NO Long Drives
• NO Getting Up Early

To be a part of my January Group, you must:
• Commit to follow a Program Workout Schedule for 30 days
• Drink Shakeology – the premium health shake – once a day for 30 days
• Engage with the secret Facebook group reporting workouts & food for 30 days
• Be part of a weekly conference call to talk about victories, struggles, & be willing to learn the secrets to success

• Be willing to be honest with me. I want to know what’s working, what’s not working, what tastes good, what doesn’t taste good. I want to know all the things that you wish you could say about a program but don’t.
This is a proven and simple formula, and those who commit are more likely to finish and GET THE ABSOLUTE BEST RESULTS!

Who is this Group for:
• Someone who is serious about moving forward with their health & fitness
• Someone who wants to lose a clothing size
• Someone who wants a step-by-step guide of how to achieve a healthy weight
• Someone who wants to be part of a supportive group of people on a similar path
• Someone who is willing to invest in themselves
• Someone who wants to get off of some or all of their medications

Joining My Group is Easy
YES, I want to Commit to 30-Days & Commit to be FIT!
The deadline to join the group is January 21, 2013. Group starts on January 28, 2013. *Cost depends on whether you need a program, Shakeology, or both. Info will be in initial email.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Interval Training For Faster Results

Interval Training For Faster Results
Want to get more out of your workouts?

There's a little secret in the fitness world called interval training.

What is interval training? Rather than doing the same cardio exercise your entire workout, interval training alternates short, high-intensity bursts of exercise with slower, low-intensity periods of recovery.

Research has shown that such intervals of high and low-intensity activity burn more calories and build fitness quicker in a shorter amount of time.

Once designed for elite athletes, interval training is now something the average fit person can try. You don't need fancy equipment or special training to rev up your routine with interval training.

Read on to learn more about this fast, slow, fast, slow method of training and weight loss.

Theory Behind Interval Training
By alternating high-intensity movements with low-intensity movements, you're working both your aerobic (with oxygen) and anaerobic (without oxygen) systems. High-intensity exercise causes your muscles to produce lactic acid (waste products), which lead to muscle soreness. Too much lactic acid build up causes exercise to become exhausting and painful.

Alternating hard and easy exercise will reduce the amount of lactic acid that accumulates, thereby making exercise more comfortable, improving your endurance and increasing your speed.

Interval Length
So how long should intervals be?

The answer is, it doesn't matter.

There are no real hard-and-fast rules about interval length. Varying lengths bring varying benefits. So how fast and how often you pick up the pace depends on you.

Beginners should aim for no longer than 30 seconds of high-intensity bursts. If you're feeling strong and are in good shape, go ahead and push yourself a bit longer.

Know the Risks
While a no-rules approach may sound appealing, interval training isn't for the beginner. If you're new in the land of fitness, take your time as you increase the intensity of your workouts.

Rushing into high-intensity exercise may lead to injury. Start out slowly. Add one or two high-intensity intervals each workout. Slow down if you feel you're overdoing it. As your stamina increases, feel free to challenge yourself.

Sample Workouts
Remember, there's no set rule about how to do interval training. It can be tailored to your fitness level and type of exercise.

An interval-training workout involves four variables that can be changed to meet your goals: intensity of intervals, duration of intervals, duration of recovery intervals, and the number of interval repetitions.

Interval training can be casual, spur of the moment bursts of activity depending on how you're feeling that day or if you're working towards a more specific sports or fitness goal you can take a more sophisticated, scientific approach.

Interval training workouts have been designed for plyometrics, sprints, stair running, jump rope, speed drills, and agility drills.

A simple example of interval training for walking would be to add short bursts of jogging or alternate slower walking with brisk walking. If you walk outdoors, you could jog or walk faster between certain landmarks such as mailboxes or street signs, then slow down for a short distance.

A second example that really gets your heart pumping and improves fitness in a short amount of time includes running, rowing, or cycling. Warm up for about 15 minutes, then run, row, or cycle as hard as you can (at 90 percent of your maximum heart rate) for three minutes. Then go easy for three minutes, allowing your body to recover. Repeat these three-minute intervals of high- and low-intensity exercise three or four times. Then cool down for 10 minutes.

I'm here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.

Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will get you to your goal quicker.

Increase Your Intensity
To get the most out of your interval training try the following:
• Add Resistance. Between sets of cardio do a set with dumbbells, resistance bands or with your body weight.
• Increase Speed. Really push yourself during the sprinting intervals. Remember, it's only a handful of seconds.
• Lengthen Intervals. Add a few seconds to your intense intervals.
• Change Exercises. If you've been sprinting then switch to burpees or high knees.

Easy Tuna Salad
This recipe takes protein filled tuna and adds fresh ingredients to turn it into a healthy tuna salad. Unlike many tuna salad recipes, this one doesn't call for dressings or mayonnaise that add undesirable fats. Have this for lunch or dinner, and keep it lean by skipping the bread and eating it straight from a bowl. Servings: 4

Here's what you need:
• 2 cans Albacore tuna, packed in water
• 1/2 cup white bean hummus
• 1 small apple, finely minced
• 1 Tbl yellow onion, finely minced
• 1 tsp dried dill weed
• dash of Pepper
• 1 TBL Dijon mustard
1. Drain and flake the tuna in a medium sized bowl.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
3. Serve in a bowl, on large lettuce leaves or in half of an avocado, garnish with dried dill weed.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 188 calories, 5g fat, 563mg sodium, 10g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 21g protein

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Impatience: An Effect, Not a Cause


all my life, I have struggled with patience. Now as I am getting older and having more experiences in my life, I am finding that I desperately need patience. What can I do to gain patience?

The first thing is to realize that patience, like other traits you have, is simply the amalgamation of your underlying beliefs, which are the result of your upbringing or past encounters. This means that you’re not impatient because “that’s just how you are” or “that’s what you were born with”. You are impatient because of certain beliefs you have about yourself and the world.

What Impatience Is

To understand that, we have to first understand what impatience is. According to, impatience means a lack of patience; restlessness; an intolerance of anything that thwarts, delays, or hinders.

An impatient person never wants to wait for others, or does so with great reluctance. An impatient person feels angsty when things do not go to plan. An impatient person usually feels a great sense of urgency to get things over with and to move on to the next thing, the next task, the next place, the next stop. He/she usually has little regard or interest to what’s going on at this moment in time, because in his/her mind, he/she is already thinking about what he/she has to do next.

As you can see, the impatient person is someone who often feels a great deal of urgency, internal pressure, and internal stress. It’s as if he/she is trying to rush to somewhere, or has something that needs to be completed ASAP.

But why? Why does the impatient person feel so much urgency, more so than others? What’s causing it? What exactly is this rush for?

My Experience with Impatience

Perhaps what might help is if I share my experience with impatience.

I used to be a highly impatient person. I would feel annoyed whenever people got in my way. I could never stand to wait more than a few minutes for a bus before feeling irritated at how long it was taking. If things ever progressed slower than expected, I would feel annoyed and irritated. Thoughts like “Why is this so slow?”, “Why can’t this be faster?” or “What’s next?” are more than familiar to me.

The funny thing was, I was never aware of my impatience until a year ago. It’s sort of like you don’t know what you’re in the middle of until you take a step back to look at things. Before, I always thought my (impatient) reactions were normal, knee-jerk reactions that anyone would have when caught in the same situation. It was only when I paused and reflected on my thoughts and behavior that I realized I was, in fact, quite the impatient person.

When I dug into my impatience, my answers opened my eyes. I asked myself, point blank: “Why am I always in such a rush?” Turned out that I had been so fixated on reaching a certain end vision, a certain end goal, for my future that I had totally missed living in the present.

When I dug deeper, I realized this fixation (with the future) was due to an innate unhappiness with myself. I had always had a subconscious belief that I was not good enough. In my mind, I thought that if I were to work on changing myself, achieving bigger visions, and accomplishing more goals, I would finally be content and happy. Hence, I kept projecting to the future, using it as my source of salvation.

Did that work though? Not in the way I had imagined. Whenever I achieved my goals, I would feel happy for that moment. However, it would be a matter of time before I thought, “What’s next?”, and got back into that impatient persona. I was constantly in a rush, trying to get from one place (be it a mental vision or a physical place) to the next. I was driven to keep going, keep moving, so as to achieve this elusive end vision where I would finally be happy one day.

Unhappiness with Self -> Projecting as Impatience with Others and the World

Do you see the problem here? The problem wasn’t that I had not achieved my ultimate end goal yet. There is never going to be an end to my goals or visions, because there is always room to grow; room be better. The problem wasn’t my desire to set goals either, for the desire for betterment is part and parcel of being a human. There is nothing worse than being the man who has no vision or dreams.

The problem here was (a) my inherent unhappiness with myself and (b) my belief that I had to get to somewhere before I could be happy and before I could be considered good enough. I kept thinking that there was something wrong with me and there was something that had to be fixed, which led me to keep looking forward into the future to address this gap.

Was that true though? No! There wasn’t anything wrong with me; neither was there anything wrong with my present moment! My belief that there was something wrong was a flawed belief that had set me on a loop of feeling dissatisfied, trying to work on my areas of dissatisfaction, and feeling dissatisfied yet again even when those areas were addressed. It was a flawed belief that created this endless urge to always hurry, act faster, stop being a slow poke, and get moving, so I could get on to the next big thing.

This was precisely why almost every single thing would get on my nerves, because each little thing—be it the bus being late, to the copier machine being jammed—would be something that stood in my way of achieving my end vision, which in turn stood in my way of becoming a more desirable, less hateable, person. All these little things were standing in my way of achieving my happiness. My angst at the external world was really due to my angst at the thought that I had to spend one more second being my present self (whom I hated).

What finally resolved my impatience was when I addressed self-limiting belief about myself. Why I (constantly) felt that I was good enough. Why I hated myself so. When I did that, the feelings of impatience melted away like water rolling off skin. I was impatient no more.

Impatience: An Emotion That Has No Place in Your Heart

The root cause of my impatience might not be the same as the root cause of your impatience. I merely shared my story as an example that impatience is really an effect and not a cause to be tackled.

While it’s natural to look forward to the future and want to achieve your goals as soon as possible, there is definitely something amiss when this desire repeatedly manifests itself as a constant feeling of impatience, a source of self-pressure (in an unhealthy way), and an annoyance at things that stand in your way.

These are negative, tension-filled, and fear-based emotions which have no place in our lives. Their presence usually suggest incongruent, disempowering beliefs which should no sooner be corrected.

Know that one can desire to achieve a better future and still be at peace with the present moment. They are not mutually exclusive with each other.

I shall now share with you a simple, 15-minute long exercise to dig into the underlying cause of your impatience. If you often experience bouts of impatience or if you are impatient most of the time, use this exercise to discover the root cause behind this undesired trait.

Exercise To Uncover Your Impatience (15 Minutes)

Grab a piece of pen and paper or fire up your favorite word processor. Get ready to type.
1.Think about recent incidences where you exhibited impatient behavior.
2.Ask yourself: ”Why am I so impatient?“. Write everything that comes to mind.
3.Go deeper into your answers by challenging them. Ask, “Why?” or ask follow-up questions to continue the thread of thought.
4.Repeat #3 until you get to the bottom of the issue.

Embracing a Life of Patience

Looking back, I could see that my impatience had been quite detrimental to my well-being. Many of its negative effects were not immediately observable; rather, they slowly compounded over time. It was only when I shed off my impatient persona that I could feel the difference.

For example, I didn’t realize how tensed my facial muscles, including my forehead, used to be until I addressed the root cause of my impatience. It was like I was in a constant, perpetual frown. Before, I knew my face always felt a little tense, but I didn’t know it was the result of my impatience.

I was also constantly worked up over the littlest of things, even though I might not show it on the outside. This made me quite an irritable person. I would then try to combat my annoyances internally so that I wouldn’t wear the negativity on the outside, which in turn made me feel like an oven that was ever ready to combust.

Perhaps the biggest problem was that my impatience often made me live in the future, rather than the present. I often had little regard for what was going on at the present moment because I would be too busy thinking, “What’s next?”

At the micro level, that meant I often missed out details which I would have caught on if I was more present. As they rightly say, more haste sometimes leads to less speed. At the macro level, I was totally not living life. I was merely a worker bee, getting from one point to the next in a flurry, and not truly living life as it was meant to be lived.

Today, I’m glad to have embraced the virtue of patience. My life has changed quite dramatically; I’m happier than ever; I’m at peace with myself; I now live in the present, not the future. At the same time, I continue to hold great aspirations for the future and am constantly working toward them. I love my present moment and I can’t wait to usher in a better future. It’s the moment that I now live for; not the future, and certainly not the past.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to go from Procrastinator to Action Taker


What’s the biggest thing that blocks people from successfully losing weight and improving their health? They never get started on it in the first place. You HEAR people all the time TALK about how they want or need to lose weight, exercise or eat better, but all they do is TALK about it and never actually get started.

It’s not that they can’t exercise or improve their eating habits; it’s just that they never actually “DO” it. And it’s not just with their health and fitness goals. This concept applies to other goals as well. So what’s holding you back?

Talk is cheap
When we don’t actually “have to” do something, we tend to put things off and make excuses that hold us back. In the case of weight loss and improving one’s health, when it comes to diet and exercise, let’s face it…. people make excuses. The #1 excuse people make as to why they don’t exercise is that they don’t have time. When it comes to improving your diet, the #1 excuse is that eating healthy is expensive, followed up with I don’t have time to prepare a healthy meal.

What would it take for you to “have to” improve your health and fitness? Would it take getting a poor health evaluation from your doctor? I’m here to tell you chances are that won’t do it. I know this from first- hand experience. I hear from people all the time about a health issue (high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, borderline diabetes, etc.) they have either been diagnosed with or warned about that can be corrected or improved with a diet and exercise program, and will TALK about how they need to exercise and eat better, yet still don’t ACT on it.

Are you an information junkie?
Some people are great about gathering information, love learning, but still don’t ACT on the knowledge they’ve acquired from all the information they gathered. All the research, learning and information is useless unless you ACT on it.

What do I mean by this? You can buy the best book in the world on how to successfully lose weight and keep it off for life, read it cover to cover and NOT implement any of the information you learned from that book.

The question you need to ask yourself is why you invest your time gathering information, yet don’t implement any of it?

Keeping them honest
Most people need to be held accountable in order to act on things. Your paycheck keeps you accountable. A monetary investment keeps you accountable.

Part of what I do is keep people accountable. They’ve made an investment by purchasing my services. I keep them accountable by having them show up for their appointment with me whether it’s on line or in person. Those who make the investment are taking action.

Here’s a great way to keep yourself accountable. Many people say they want have great abs and look great in a swim suit. What if you were to schedule an appointment with a photographer for a swimsuit photo shoot? Find a photographer, meet with him/her, set a date for the photo shoot (3 or 6 months from now), and pay the photographer ½ the money up front for the photo shoot. That would provide you with a goal, time frame to achieve your goal, and incentive to ACT on getting those great abs.

Is procrastination holding you back?
One of the biggest reasons why most people fail to do anything they dream about whether it’s improving their health and fitness, starting their own business, etc., is that they procrastinate. They hold off on doing anything because the timing isn’t right, they have something else going on, they never seem to have enough money, etc.

With weight loss, I hear the following comments all the time – I’d like to wait until next month to get started or I’ll get started after the New Year. Guess what? The never do.

Are you an action taker?
If you don’t ACT NOW, chances are you never will. That’s what separates action takers from procrastinators. Those who take action get results. Those who procrastinate achieve NOTHING. It’s as simple as that.

If I wasn’t an action taker, I would not have achieved the results I have gotten not just with my health and fitness, but as a business person, and in my personal life with the friendships I have made.

Ask yourself, are you an action taker or are you going to continue being a could’ve, would’ve, should’ve and achieve NOTHING.

The time is NOW to ACT and ACHIEVE. Those who ACT triumph in life and what better place to start than with your health and fitness.