

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I eat right, do I still have to work out?


I eat right, do I still have to work out?
Even though eating right makes up for about 80 percent of how we look and feel, we can't forget about training. Combining proper nutrition with the right kind of exercise is the best thing you can do to stay strong, lean and healthy!
Working out is critical for many reasons. The most important being your health. The benefits of regular exercise on your health are numerous. They include cardiovascular benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure, keeping your heart ( which is a muscle) stronger, and increasing your lung capacity. Exercise also benefits your body by improving your posture, building or retaining lean muscle mass and prolonging your life. We also know that exercise prevents all major diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Wow!
Regular exercise has emotional benefits as well. Since exercise produces the "feel good" hormone endorphin in your body, regular exercise has the effect of making your feel happier,more well balanced and better able to handle stress.

What is the best way to work out?
Study after study shows that the best way to exercise is by doing weight training combined with cardio! You want to workout SMARTER, NOT HARDER! By combining the two, you will increase your fat burning for up to 24 hours after training. This is called metabolic training and I love it. Research states that the best way to increase your metabolism is by adding lean mass. Lean mass is muscle. By adding muscle you will burn more calories even at rest! This happens because muscle requires energy to sustain itself. Fat does not. So, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, all day long. Also, by combining resistance training with cardio "bursts" in between sets, you go into an aerobic state and stimulate fat burning long after your workout is over. This is called EPOC or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Simply put, while your body is recovering from your training, oxygen consumption increases and so does your metabolism. If you are doing just cardio to stay lean, you are missing the most important component of fitness, namely weight training. Women especially are afraid of weight training because they fear "bulking up" or "getting big". It is very difficult for the female body to build large muscle due to the lack of the hormone testosterone! We simply do not have the hormonal profile to build big muscles. Women benefit immensely from weight training! Adding lean mass is not the only benefit. Increased bone density also comes along with weight bearing exercise. As women often suffer from bone loss and even osteoporosis with the onset of middle age, weight training becomes even more important! Combine it with cardio bursts, and you have the BEST WAY TO WORK OUT! Skip the long, boring cardio sessions and add weight training with cardio burst and in just a few weeks you will see the incredibl e results!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Key to Fat Loss. Your secret Weapon


So you watch what you eat and go the gym regularly but still have trouble losing stubborn fat and increasing your energy levels? One of the things that could be hindering your progress towards your goal of better health may be because of what is happening inside of you as opposed to outside. Our stress levels and the way our hormones function are very important factors that are often left unaddressed when it comes to fat loss.

Hormones are really what makes up what we are as individuals. Hormone reports and brain chemistry patterns are very revealing but as we don't always have access to these reports, you can have an understanding of how your hormones are working simply by how you feel - your energy levels, your sex drive, your moods, your strength, your mental clarity, your appetite, your hunger cravings, etc. All of these come down to whether or not your hormones are working optimally.

When our energy levels are down, many of us turn to caffeine or sugar which causes an artificial (and temporary) surge of energy which can compromise our adrenals. But where does it stop? I'm horrified when I hear about clients drinking up to 5 plus coffees per day "just to stay awake or alert". And what about the extra (EXTRA) sugar in our foods? And don't get me started on energy drinks.

Massive amounts of sugar and caffeine cause our hormones to run awry. It clouds our neurological functions, makes us hold water, saps our energy, robs us of important vitamins and minerals, and can severely hinder our fat loss efforts.

Hormonal balance is so important when it comes to fat loss. If our adrenals aren't strong then our sex hormones will be imbalanced and it will be very difficult to lose fat because our body is always in "Fight or Flight (i.e. a lion chasing us)". Our bodies are living in the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which is "fight or flight". It always feels as if it is under stress or under attack. We should be living in the Parasympathetic Nervous System ("rest/digest" and "feed/breed") as much as possible where our bodies can react in a normal environment and react properly to what we feed it and how we treat it.

How we perceive and manage our stress response (mental/emotional) all relates to hormonal balance. Achieving internal balance will have profound effects on the way our body not only performs but also looks.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Coach Jenn's Kale Chips ENJOY


Kale Chips
Makes: 4 servings, about 2 cups each
Active time: 25 minutes | Total: 25 minutes
To make ahead: Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Not a fan of kale? These crispy baked kale chips will convert you! For the best result, don't overcrowd the pans.

1 large bunch kale, tough stems removed, leaves torn into pieces (about 16 cups; see Note)
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt

1. Position racks in upper third and center of oven; preheat to 400°F.

2. If kale is wet, very thoroughly pat dry with a clean kitchen towel; transfer to a large bowl. Drizzle the kale with oil and sprinkle with salt. Using your hands, massage the oil and salt onto the kale leaves to evenly coat. Fill 2 large rimmed baking sheets with a layer of kale, making sure the leaves don't overlap. (If the kale won't all fit, make the chips in batches.)

3. Bake until most leaves are crisp, switching the pans back to front and top to bottom halfway through, 8 to 12 minutes total. (If baking a batch on just one sheet, start checking after 8 minutes to prevent burning.)

Per serving: 110 calories; 5 g fat (1 g sat, 3 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 16 g carbohydrate; 0 g added sugars; 5 g protein; 6 g fiber; 210 mg sodium; 642 mg potassium. Nutrition bonus: Vitamin A (767% daily value), Vitamin C (192% dv), Calcium (20% dv), Potassium (18% dv).

Note: Choose organic kale when possible. Nonorganic can have high pesticide residue.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fear the silient killer of Dreams


Fear is a four letter word that keeps so many from stepping out and doing what they love. Can you imagine what your life would look like without fear? Well, fear plagues everyone regardless of who you are or where you live. However, the key is to figure out how to drive out fear and increase belief so you are not stopped in your tracks.

Fear is a silent killer. It awaits you and uses all it powers to defeat you. Not to worry though, fear plagues everyone. With every level you go to in life, you will have to face fear in some fashion. Whether, you are doing a task for the first time or you have to do a task you are quite familiar with in front of people you’ve never met, an anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach often shows up.

Think about it for a moment…

The greatest man to ever live on this Earth had to face it himself. He was sent to save a world that was quickly perishing because of immorality. His father gave him all the specifics and told him, “You got this. I will be with you.” Want to know his name? Jesus.

When it came time for Jesus to do His job, He became stressed. Although, He had prepared his entire life for this moment in time, He was met with fear & uneasiness and totally unsure if He could go through with the plan. In fact, He asked his father several times to let it go. But, things had been set and it was time to fulfill purpose. Fear had a purpose in Jesus’ life. In the end, He did go through with the plan to save lives for now and years to come.

When you are faced with anxiety and uneasiness, here is a simple plan to drive out fear and increase belief in your life:

First, understand where there is a lack of belief.

How can you deal with something without knowing exactly what it is you are facing? Be truthful. If you are not totally confident, you need to increase belief in that area. By identifying the issue, it makes it easier to address the concern. And, you are also making a declaration that you are not perfect.

Finally, take a step in the direction of fear.

Overcome fear by doing the exact opposite of it. If you are afraid to speak in front of a small group of people, schedule to speak in front of a small group of people. Crazy? Yes, I know. It’s amazing how things change when you face your fear head on.

The purpose of fear is not to stop you from achieving your goals. It is there to help you deal with areas in your life where you lack belief in order to grow you more as a person.

Can you think of one area in your life where you would like to drive out fear and increase belief? Respond and let me know.